Page 113 - مجله تازه های انرژی - شماره 66 - نسخه فلش
P. 113
Water reuse
To prevent scarcity of water resources
Increasingly we are confronted with scarcity of water resources. wastewater treatment plant is treated to ultra pure water, which is
Population growth and climate change are expected to further subsequently applied by Shell for steam production (used for oil
increase water resources constraints. In this perspective reuse of exploitation). The plant involves subsequent treatment by submer-
(waste)water will prove to be a growing industry. ged ultra filtration, double pass Biological Activated Carbon filtra-
tion, double pass Reverse Osmosis and polishing by Electro
Witteveen+Bos has a broad portfolio of expertise in water reuse De-ionization. This treatment strategy constitutes a low chemical
projects. Our hydrologists and environmentalists participate in process scheme, favouring sustainability and facilitating concen-
water resources assessments. Our process technologists assist trate disposal. Witteveen+Bos has been responsible for enginee-
clients in optimizing present practice, as well as in assessing and ring and construction management.
pilot-testing new and alternative (reuse) technologies. Our engi-
neers and project managers have ample experience in design, Wastewater reclamation
engineering and construction management of large (reuse) water Water company IWVA in Belgium is one of the first companies
production installations. in Europe to apply wastewater reclamation. Effluent of Gulpen
WWTP is post-treated by Ultra Filtration and Reverse Osmosis.
UPW plant The reclaimed water is infiltrated for groundwater recharge by
In Emmen (the Netherlands) Nieuwater has constructed a 10 MLD natural ponds in the dune environment. We assisted IWVA in fea-
wastewater reclamation facility.The efflucent from a municipal sibility study, technology selection and pilot research.
Water reuse
To prevent scarcity of water resources
Increasingly we are confronted with scarcity of water resources. wastewater treatment plant is treated to ultra pure water, which is
Population growth and climate change are expected to further subsequently applied by Shell for steam production (used for oil
increase water resources constraints. In this perspective reuse of exploitation). The plant involves subsequent treatment by submer-
(waste)water will prove to be a growing industry. ged ultra filtration, double pass Biological Activated Carbon filtra-
tion, double pass Reverse Osmosis and polishing by Electro
Witteveen+Bos has a broad portfolio of expertise in water reuse De-ionization. This treatment strategy constitutes a low chemical
projects. Our hydrologists and environmentalists participate in process scheme, favouring sustainability and facilitating concen-
water resources assessments. Our process technologists assist trate disposal. Witteveen+Bos has been responsible for enginee-
clients in optimizing present practice, as well as in assessing and ring and construction management.
pilot-testing new and alternative (reuse) technologies. Our engi-
neers and project managers have ample experience in design, Wastewater reclamation
engineering and construction management of large (reuse) water Water company IWVA in Belgium is one of the first companies
production installations. in Europe to apply wastewater reclamation. Effluent of Gulpen
WWTP is post-treated by Ultra Filtration and Reverse Osmosis.
UPW plant The reclaimed water is infiltrated for groundwater recharge by
In Emmen (the Netherlands) Nieuwater has constructed a 10 MLD natural ponds in the dune environment. We assisted IWVA in fea-
wastewater reclamation facility.The efflucent from a municipal sibility study, technology selection and pilot research.